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Calendar & Events

Our club workshops are designed to be 'hands-on' sessions. Here you can learn and practice with your fellow members using your own camera, computer, software, etc. Workshop leaders provide one-on-one help during the sessions.

Currently there are four workshop programs:

Photo Feedback- 1st Wednesday of each month, 3-5 PM, Monterey Room, starting in November.  These sessions are for members to come together for friendly feedback on each others' photos.


Lightroom/Photoshop (LR/PS) SIG (advanced) - 2nd Thursday of each month, 3-5 PM, La Jolla Room

Beginning Post Processing - 3rd Wednesday of each month, 3-5 PM, Monterey Room


General workshops/mentoring sessions - 4th Wednesday of each month, 3-5 PM, Monterey Room.  These hands-on sessions discuss various topics and provide opportunities to meet with experienced photographers.  


  • Most meetings and workshops are held in the Santa Rosa club house in either the Monterey or La Jolla rooms.

  • To facilitate car pooling, most photo shoots gather at the Santa Rosa main entrance.

  • Email notifications and reminders are sent out as needed.

During the Covid 19 restrictions, we are participating in Zoom meetings only. You will be invited to join these meeting once you are a member or have renewed your membership. To join or renew, use the "Join the club" button above.  All current members receive invites for each meeting.


As the season progresses, and once it becomes safe, we will add face to face meetings on the second Wednesday of each month. These meetings may also be attended through a Zoom format for those who are not present. All members will be notified via email about any and all meetings.

We have a new Five Week Cycle for our Friday Zoom meetings that take place at 3:00 PM Pacific Time for all current members. The new cycle is described below.

First Friday: PRESENTATIONS FRIDAY can range from anything related to photography, apps, tools, gadgets, techniques and so forth. Keeping it under an hour should be the goal These will be announced before the meeting so people can choose to watch or not. 


Second Friday: FROM VISION TO MASTER FILE FRIDAY seems to be the most popular and most helpful for all of us. Lightroom/Photoshop, Topaz, Luminar or other editing programs can be used. These can be up to an hour long or if two presenters, we will make them 45 minutes each. The presenter will start with the vision or concept for the photograph, continue with any non-obvious capture actions and then take us through the complete processing of the photo from raw file to edited file ready to use for printing or display. The idea is that the presenter will explain the creative aspects of visualizing an image and capturing the raw file and then demonstrate the technical steps she used to process that raw file to achieve the visualized result.


Third Friday: SHARE YOUR “BEST” PHOTO FRIDAY Taking a photo is one thing, explaining how or why you took it and describing the steps you took to edit it is valuable for all of us. In order to share one photo on this Friday, members would be ready to talk about the original unedited photo, along with the finished edited photo. They should explain why they took it, where they were, what caught their eye, then verbally and briefly how they edited it. When this is done thoughtfully, this could take people several minutes per image. This will encourage members to choose their one best photo for that month, spend time on it, and really think about why they wanted to share that one photo. NOTE: Any member who is more comfortable explaining in writing than verbally is free to write up their step by step process and send it with the JPEG copies of the Raw image along with the Finished image before the meeting. Detailed instructions will be provided in the weekly email.


Fourth Friday: SIP AND CHALLENGE FRIDAY ~ You will do one or possibly both during this Friday session depending on instructions provided. You will SIP (Same Image Processing) by an image being chosen from the designated folder , or complete a specific Challenge where we ask you to go out and shoot a photo with a theme. We may provide a choice of either option. The SIP image you process needs to include a verbal explanation of what you saw in it and what you did to edit it.  In a photo challenge you will need to explained Why you took it, Where you were, What caught your eye, then verbally and briefly… How you edited it. Instructions will be given for these in the weekly emails.


Fifth Fridays: GRAB BAG FRIDAY. On those months which have a fifth Friday, (October 2020 and January and April 2021), we will have grab bag time. We may schedule a special event, have a virtual party, have a hard challenge to meet, Q&A’s, sell something, take the week off, or any number of things.


WEEKLY GRAB BAG FILL IN: Any week after we do what is scheduled, we will use any remaining time filling in with Q&A, sharing of personal photo projects, sharing a new tip or trick you learned, showing us your new gadget, or almost anything you want to say or show the club. You will come to the meeting with the idea that you may or may not be able to share during grab bag fill in time, but you should be ready to share if time allows and you want to share.

© 2024 by SCSH Camera Club

Updated 02/12/2025

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