Site Map
Home: Main page
Monthly Activities: Descriptions of the photography themes for the current season
October: Description of the monthly theme, the meetings and trips to experiment with the theme, and photos submitted for the theme
November: Description of the monthly theme, the meetings and trips to experiment with the theme, and photos submitted for the theme
December: Description of the monthly theme, the meetings and trips to experiment with the theme, and photos submitted for the theme
January: Description of the monthly theme, the meetings and trips to experiment with the theme, and photos submitted for the theme
February: Description of the monthly theme, the meetings and trips to experiment with the theme, and photos submitted for the theme
March: Description of the monthly theme, the meetings and trips to experiment with the theme, and photos submitted for the theme
April: Description of the monthly theme, the meetings and trips to experiment with the theme, and photos submitted for the theme
May: Description of the monthly theme, the meetings and trips to experiment with the theme, and photos submitted for the theme
Summer: Member photos submitted over the summer between seasons
Previous Photo Assignments: Member photos from previous season club assignments and field trips
Submit Photos: Members submit photos for monthly themes
PSA Competitions: Member photos submitted for Photographic Society of America competitions
Date Festival: Information on the Riverside County Fair and Date Festival competition
Previous Competition: Member photos submitted to competitions in previous years
Photo Resizing and Basic Photo Processing: Presentations on photo file resizing and other basic steps
From Snapshots to Great Shots: Presentations from club meetings and workshops on a variety of topics such as exposure control, printing photos, and portraits.
Lightroom Photoshop SIG: Presentations from SIG meetings
Helpful Web Site Links: Links to photography websites around the world
Calendar: Monthly meetings and events of the club
Lightroom/Photoshop SIG: Information about meetings of the club's Special Interest Group on the use of Lightroom and Photoshop
Club Events: Information about upcoming club events
About: General information
Camera Club Meeting Minutes: PDF files of Club meeting presentations and minutes for the current season
Site Map: This page
Application Forms: Forms for joining the club and other legal information